Sunday, December 4, 2011


"Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God-–children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God." --John 1:12-13 (NIV) 
Do we really behave every day as children of God?  

I've been struck at odd times lately that if we all treated God as head of the family instead of an ethereal father, we might do things a bit differently.  We usually think about God as if He's far, far away, but He's always right here with us.  He's here on the couch with me as I type this.  He's there where you are reading this.  He's everywhere, in fact. 

Does He really seem real to us?  What if I prayed to Him as if He were sitting right across from me on the fireplace hearth instead of away in the heavens?

If we had a loving, always-available, perfect father who longed to spend time with us every day, would we ever go days, weeks, months, or even years treating him the way we sometimes treat God?  Let's face it. We ignore Him.  We're ungrateful.  We constantly ask for things we don't really need.  And we complain when He gives us the things He knows we should have.  I think we do the things we do because sometimes it's hard to think of God as our Dad, and it's hard to think of ourselves as His kids.

We're in a family.  Our siblings are our brothers and sisters in the Church.  The head of the household is God.  We might elbow each other at the dinner table from time to time, but otherwise this is the best family in the universe.  Rejoice and have a heart-to-heart talk with Dad.

In His service,